Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | MEES | Middle East Economic Survey
| |
***** | MEES | Migrant Education Even Start
| |
**** | MEES | middle ear effusions
| |
**** | MEES | Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards
| |
*** | MEES | Master of Engineering in Engine Systems
| |
*** | MEES | Mainz Emergency Evaluation Score
| |
*** | MEES | Mainz Emergency Evaluation System
| |
*** | MEES | Marine Environmental Education Specialist
| |
*** | MEES | Missile End Game Evaluation System
| |
*** | MEES | Math English and Essential Skills
| |
** | MEES | Ministry of Ecology and Emergency Situations
| |
** | MEES | Marine Estuarine Env Sci
| |
** | MEES | Marine Estuarine Environmental Sciences
| |
** | MEES | Massachusetts Environmental Education Society
| |
* | MEES | Mission Estancia Elementary School
| |
* | MEES | Miscellaneous Electrical Equipment Spaces
| |
* | MEES | medical element engineering and simulation
| |
* | MEES | Middle East Emergency Surcharge
| |