• What does LORS Stand For?

    For Lors we have found 22 definitions.

  • What does LORS mean? We know 22 definitions for LORS abbreviation or acronym in 4 categories. Possible LORS meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.

LORS Stands For:

All acronyms (22)Airports & Locations Business & Finance (1)Common (1)Government & Military (3)Medicine & Science (3)Chat & Sub Cultures Education Schools Technology, IT etc.
*****LORSLloyd’s Outward Reinsurance Scheme
***LORSLevel of Rehabilitation Scale
*LORSLaws, Ordinances, Regulations and Standards
*LORSLights on Reflection Screens
*LORSLoan Officer Resident Seminar
*LORSLaw Offices of Richard Stolke
*LORSLandelijk Overvallen Registratie Systeem
*LORSLocal Ordinances Regulations and Standards
*LORSLearning Object Repository System
*LORSLines of Response
*LORSLabor Organization Reporting System
*LORSLadies Oratorical and Recreational Society
*LORSLunar Optical Rendezvous System
*LORSLunar Orbital Rendezvous System
*LORSLaws Ordinances Rules and Standards
*LORSLaboratory Office and Research Space
*LORSLetter of Recommendations
*LORSLake Okeechobee Regulation Schedule
*LORSLearning Object Repositories
*LORSLocally Organised Research Scheme
*LORSLaws Ordinances Regulations or Standards
*LORSLibrary of Online Resources on Scheduling