Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | IREP | International Institute for Research and Education in Power Systems
| |
***** | IREP | Import for Re Export Program
| |
***** | IREP | Integrated Rural Energy Programme
| |
***** | IREP | Integrated Reliability Evaluation Program
| |
**** | IREP | Integrated Rural Energy Project
| |
**** | IREP | Institutional Research Evaluation and Planning
| |
**** | IREP | IR and Environmental Policy
| |
**** | IREP | Iraq Reconstruction and Employment Programme
| |
**** | IREP | Integrated Rural Energy Plans
| |
**** | IREP | Institute for Research and Education in Power
| |
*** | IREP | Interim Reliability Evaluation Program
| |
*** | IREP | Infrastructure Reconstruction Enabling Program
| |
*** | IREP | Institute of Radio Engineers Predecessor
| |
*** | IREP | Iraq Rehabilitation and Employment Programme
| |
*** | IREP | Intermediate Repair Enhancement Program
| |
*** | IREP | International Relations and Export Promotion
| |
** | IREP | integrated refractive effects predictions
| |
** | IREP | Independent Retail Electric Provider
| |
** | IREP | Infinitus Renewable Energy Park
| |
** | IREP | Institute for Real Estate Professionals
| |
** | IREP | Interactive Radio-Epidemiological Program
| |
** | IREP | Iraq Reconstruction and Employment Program
| |
** | IREP | Indian Registry of Epilepsy and Pregnancy
| |
** | IREP | Incremental Reduced Error Pruning
| |
* | IREP | Interactive RadioEpidemiological Program
| |