Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | ILCP | Inter-Laboratory Comparison Program
| |
***** | ILCP | International Liaison Committee of Presidents
| |
***** | ILCP | Isolated Loop Circuit Protector
| |
**** | ILCP | Indian Land Consolidation Program
| |
**** | ILCP | Inter Laboratory Comparison Programmes
| |
**** | ILCP | International League of Conservation Photographers
| |
**** | ILCP | Independent Libraries in Cuba Project
| |
**** | ILCP | Integrated Least Cost Planning
| |
*** | ILCP | International Life Cycle Panel
| |
*** | ILCP | Interstitial Laser Coagulation of the Prostate
| |
*** | ILCP | Italian Liver Cirrhosis Project
| |
** | ILCP | Initialize and Load Computer Program
| |
** | ILCP | Internet Links to Cajun Products
| |
** | ILCP | Intensive Language and Culture Program
| |
** | ILCP | Interactive Listening Comprehension Practice
| |
** | ILCP | Institutional Locksmith Certification Program
| |
** | ILCP | Independent Living Case Plan
| |
* | ILCP | Indian Land Consolidation Project
| |
* | ILCP | Individualized Learner Career Pathways
| |
* | ILCP | International League of Conservational Photographers
| |