Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | IFES | In-Flight Entertainment System
| |
***** | IFES | Image Feature Extraction System
| |
***** | IFES | International Fellowship of Evangelical Students
| |
**** | IFES | Instituto Femenino de Estudios Superiores
| |
**** | IFES | IPEDS (Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System) Fall Enrollment Survey
| |
**** | IFES | International Federation of Exposition Services
| |
**** | IFES | islamic finance education symposium
| |
**** | IFES | Instituições Federais do Ensino Superior
| |
**** | IFES | Instituto Femenino de Educación Superior
| |
**** | IFES | International Foundation of Electoral Systems
| |
**** | IFES | Internal Field Evaluations
| |
*** | IFES | Irmandade da Festa do Espirito Santo
| |
*** | IFES | Instituto Florence de Ensino Superior
| |
*** | IFES | Instituições Federais de Ensino Superior
| |
*** | IFES | Institute for Empirical Social
| |
*** | IFES | Integrated Front End System
| |
*** | IFES | International Foundation of Election Systems
| |
*** | IFES | International Federation of Electoral Systems
| |
*** | IFES | International Federation of Evangelical Students
| |
*** | IFES | International Field Emission Society
| |
*** | IFES | Institute for European Studies
| |
*** | IFES | Instrument Flight Examiners
| |
*** | IFES | Instituto Fayal de Ensino Superior
| |
** | IFES | International Field Emission Symposium
| |
** | IFES | Institut für Externe Schulevaluation
| |