Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | IEIS | Institute for European and International Studies
| |
***** | IEIS | Installation Executive Information System
| |
***** | IEIS | intracytoplasmic eosinophilic inclusions
| |
***** | IEIS | Information Element Identifiers
| |
**** | IEIS | Institute for Environmental and Industrial Science
| |
**** | IEIS | International Environmental Information System
| |
**** | IEIS | integrated environmental information system
| |
**** | IEIS | Immediate Endoscopic Injection Sclerosis
| |
*** | IEIS | Integrated Engine Instrument System
| |
*** | IEIS | Inductors of Endogenous Interferon Synthesis
| |
*** | IEIS | International Environmental Informatics Symposium
| |
*** | IEIS | Indian Experiment of Infarct Survival
| |
** | IEIS | Integrated Earth Information Server
| |
** | IEIS | Integrated Earth Info Server
| |