Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | IEDS | Integrated Engine Display System
| |
**** | IEDS | Interactive Evolutionary Design System
| |
**** | IEDS | interictal epileptiform discharges
| |
*** | IEDS | Institute for Environment and Development Studies
| |
*** | IEDS | Inner Ear Decompression Sickness
| |
*** | IEDS | Instituto de Energía y Desarrollo Sustentable
| |
*** | IEDS | improvised explosive device sterilizer
| |
*** | IEDS | Instituto de Estudos do Desenvolvimento Sustentavel
| |
*** | IEDS | Intelligent Electronic Devices
| |
*** | IEDS | International Executing and Debugging Services
| |
*** | IEDS | Intelligent Energy Distribution Systems
| |
** | IEDS | Integrated Environmental Data Systems
| |
** | IEDS | Improvised Explosive Devices
| |
* | IEDS | International Environment and Development Service
| |
* | IEDS | Integrated Education Data Systems
| |
* | IEDS | Information Engineering Documentation System
| |
* | IEDS | Innovative Electronic Design Services
| |
* | IEDS | Improvised Explosive Devises
| |
* | IEDS | interictal epileptic discharges
| |
* | IEDS | Income Equalisation Deposit Scheme
| |
* | IEDS | Idaho Explosives Detection System
| |
* | IEDS | Inland Empire Distribution Systems
| |
* | IEDS | Independently Entitled Divorced Spouse
| |
* | IEDS | Integrated Electron Design Series
| |
* | IEDS | International Exhibition Design Services
| |