What does IDCS Stand For?
For IDCS we have found 61 definitions.
What does IDCS mean? We know 61 definitions for IDCS abbreviation or acronym in 5 categories. Possible IDCS meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.
IDCS Stands For:
Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning | |
***** | IDCS | Idiopathic Dilated Cardiomyopathy Study Cardio | |
***** | IDCS | Image-dissector Camera System Legal | |
**** | IDCS | Image Data Capture System | |
**** | IDCS | Intelligent Distributed Control System | |
**** | IDCS | International Data Collection System | |
**** | IDCS | Integrated Defense Communications System | |
**** | IDCS | Interior Design Confederation - Singapore | |
*** | IDCS | interlocking detachable coils | |
*** | IDCS | Integrated Data Capture System | |
*** | IDCS | Integrated Document Control System | |
*** | IDCS | Integrated Data Coding System | |
** | IDCS | International Digital Crossconnect System | |
** | IDCS | Internet Data Collection Service | |
** | IDCS | Indefinite Delivery Contracts | |
** | IDCS | Ishida Data Capture System | |
** | IDCS | invasive ductal breast cancers | |
** | IDCS | International Diploma in Computer Studies | |
** | IDCS | Integrated Data Control System | |
** | IDCS | Insertion Device Control System | |
** | IDCS | Intrusion Detection Countermeasure Systems | |
** | IDCS | immature dendritic cells | |
** | IDCS | Integrated Data Collection System | |
** | IDCS | Inventory Document Control System | |
** | IDCS | Internet and Distributed Computing Systems | |
** | IDCS | International Deaf Children's Society |