Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | IARP | Impact of Agricultural Research on Poverty
| |
***** | IARP | Inverse Address Resolution Protocol
| |
***** | IARP | International Association of Rehabilitation Professionals
| |
**** | IARP | International Association of Reiki Professionals
| |
**** | IARP | International Association of Reiki Practitioners
| |
**** | IARP | Indian Association for Radiation Protection
| |
*** | IARP | International Advanced Robotics Programme
| |
*** | IARP | International Amateur Radio Permission
| |
*** | IARP | International Association of Rehabilitation Providers
| |
*** | IARP | Izba Architektów Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej
| |
*** | IARP | International Amateur Radio Permit
| |
** | IARP | Independent Abuse Review Panel
| |
** | IARP | Integrated Assessment Research Program
| |
** | IARP | Integrated Auricular Reconstruction Protocol
| |
** | IARP | Illinois Association of Railroad Passengers
| |
** | IARP | Italian Association for Radiation Protection
| |
** | IARP | Illinois Archeologic Resource Potential
| |
** | IARP | International Atmospheric Research Program
| |
* | IARP | International Association for Religion and Parapsychology
| |
* | IARP | Iowa Association of Railroad Passengers
| |
* | IARP | Institutional Assessment Research and Planning
| |
* | IARP | Intrazone Routing Protocol
| |
* | IARP | Iraqi American Reconciliation Project
| |
* | IARP | Idiopathic Acute Recurrent Pancreatitis
| |
* | IARP | International Advanced Robotic Program
| |