Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | IALC | Interpersonal Action-Learning Cycle
| |
***** | IALC | Institute of American Language and Culture
| |
***** | IALC | International Association of Language Centres
| |
**** | IALC | International Association of Lawyers of the Caucasus
| |
**** | IALC | International All Levels Competition
| |
**** | IALC | International Association of Lyceum Clubs
| |
**** | IALC | Indian American Leadership Council
| |
**** | IALC | Instrument Approach and Landing Chart
| |
**** | IALC | International Anglican Liturgical Commission
| |
**** | IALC | International Association of Lions Clubs
| |
*** | IALC | International Association of Language Centers
| |
*** | IALC | Indo American Leadership Council
| |
*** | IALC | International Association of Library Centres
| |
*** | IALC | Intermediate Acquisition Logistics Course
| |
*** | IALC | International Association of Language Colleges
| |
*** | IALC | Investment Advisory of Lee County
| |
** | IALC | International Anglican Liturgical Consultation
| |
** | IALC | International Association Logging Championships
| |
** | IALC | Internet Accessible Library Catalogue
| |
** | IALC | International Aquaplant Layout Contest
| |
** | IALC | italian american labor council
| |
** | IALC | International Aluminum-Lithium Conference
| |
** | IALC | Intensive American Language Center
| |
* | IALC | ION Autonomous Lawnmower Competition
| |
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