Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | HACM | Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering Method
| |
**** | HACM | Hunger Action Coalition of Michigan
| |
*** | HACM | Housing Authority of the City of Milwaukee
| |
*** | HACM | Housing Authority of the County of Monterey
| |
*** | HACM | Hippocampal Astrocyte Conditioned Medium
| |
*** | HACM | Historic Accommodations of Cape May
| |
*** | HACM | Hawaii Association of Case Managers
| |
*** | HACM | High Availability Cluster Management
| |
*** | HACM | Hunting Advisory Committee Meeting
| |
** | HACM | Hungarian Association of Cigarette Manufacturers
| |
** | HACM | Housing Authority of the County of Merced
| |
** | HACM | HIV-Associated Cognitive/Motor Complex
| |
* | HACM | HIV/AIDS Case Management
| |
* | HACM | Historical Anthology of Canadian Music
| |
* | HACM | Housing Authority of the City of Marion
| |
* | HACM | Hoyts Australia Cinemas Movi
| |
* | HACM | Hypertext Augmented Collaborative Modeling
| |