Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | GIMC | Georgia International Mining Corporation
| |
***** | GIMC | Gallup Indian Medical Center
| |
***** | GIMC | Gruppo Italiano di Meccanica Computazionale
| |
***** | GIMC | Global Insurance Management Company
| |
***** | GIMC | Generalized Internal Model Control
| |
***** | GIMC | General Internal Medicine Clinic
| |
**** | GIMC | Griffin Investment Mortgage Company
| |
**** | GIMC | Grinding of Industrial Minerals Conference
| |
**** | GIMC | Georgia Instructional Materials Center
| |
**** | GIMC | Global Internet Marketing Cyberm
| |
**** | GIMC | Girls Incorporated of Monroe County
| |
*** | GIMC | Global Investment Management Corner
| |
*** | GIMC | Global Islamic Marketing Conference
| |
*** | GIMC | Gaby Iron and Metal Company
| |