Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | FSGC | For the Sake of God's Children
| |
***** | FSGC | Fellow of the Society of Geriatric Cardiology
| |
***** | FSGC | Faculty Senate Graduate Committee
| |
***** | FSGC | Florida Sod Growers Cooperative
| |
***** | FSGC | Florida Space Grant Consortium
| |
**** | FSGC | First Season Grazing Cattle
| |
**** | FSGC | Faculté des Sciences de Gestion et de Communication
| |
**** | FSGC | Family Service and Guidance Center
| |
**** | FSGC | Fresh Start Green Cleaning
| |
**** | FSGC | Federazione Sammarinese Gioco Calcio
| |
**** | FSGC | Federazione Sammarinese Giuoco Calcio
| |
**** | FSGC | Faculty Status and Grievance Committee
| |
*** | FSGC | Federal Sentencing Guidelines Commission
| |
*** | FSGC | Four Seasons Golf Club
| |
** | FSGC | Four Square Gospel Church
| |
** | FSGC | Fire Safety Glazing Council
| |
** | FSGC | Florida Sod Growers Cooperative, Inc.
| |
** | FSGC | Flash Silica Gel Chromatography
| |
** | FSGC | Four Seasons Garden Center
| |
** | FSGC | Francophone Stylistic Grammar Checking
| |
* | FSGC | Faculty Shared Governance Council
| |
* | FSGC | French Social Golf Club
| |
* | FSGC | Filipino Society for Growth & Change
| |
* | FSGC | Fountain Springs Golf Course
| |
* | FSGC | Faculty Shared Governance Committee
| |