Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | IEEE TRANS IND ELECTRON | Ieee Transactions on Industrial Electronics
| |
***** | IEEE TRANS POWER ELECTRON | Ieee Transactions on Power Electronics
| |
***** | IEEE TRANS AEROSP ELECTRON SYST | Ieee Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems
| |
**** | TECH DIG INT ELECTRON DEV MTG | Technical Digest of the International Electron Devices Meeting
| |
**** | ELECTRON WIREL WORLD | Electronics and Wireless World
| |
*** | TRANS INST ELECTRON INF COMMUN ENG E | Transactions of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers EE
| |
*** | TRANS INST ELECTRON INF COMMUN ENG D-I | Transactions of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers D-II
| |
*** | ELECTRON | Electronic
| |
*** | ELECTRON COMMUN ENG J | Electronics and Communication Engineering Journal
| |
*** | ELECTRON PUBL, ORIG DISSEM DES | Electronic Publishing: Origination, Dissemination and Design
| |
*** | BULL RES LAB PRECIS MACH ELECTRON | Bulletin of the Research Laboratory of Precision Machinery and Electronics
| |
*** | BULL RES INST ELECTRON SHIZUOKA UNIV | Bulletin of the Research Institute of Electronics, Shizuoka University
| |
*** | JEOL NEWS ELECTRON OPT INSTRUM | Jeol News, Electron Optics Instrumentation
| |
*** | TRANS INST ELECTRON INF COMMUN ENG D-II | Transactions of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers D-Ii
| |
*** | BUL INST POLITEH IAI III, ELECTROTEH ELECTRON AUTOM | Buletinul Institutului Politehnic Din Iai, Sectia Iii, Electrotehnica, Electronica, Automatizari
| |
** | RES LAB PRECIS MACH ELECTRON | Research Laboratory of Precision Machinery and Electronics
| |
** | TRANS INST ELECTRON INF COMMUN ENG D | Transactions of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers DD
| |
** | ELECTRON TECH IND | Electronique Techniques Et Industries
| |
** | ELECTRON PUISSANCE | Electronique De Puissance
| |
** | ELECTRON BANK FINANCE | Electronic Banking and Finance
| |
** | ELECTRON OPT PUBL REV | Electronic and Optical Publishing Review
| |
** | ELECTRON PURCH | Electronics Purchasing
| |
** | IEEE TRANS CONSUM ELECTRON | Ieee Transactions on Consumer Electronics
| |
** | ELECTRON PACKAG PROD | Electronic Packaging and Production
| |
** | PROF ELECTRON MAG | Professional Electronics Magazine
| |