Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | ESIE | European Systems laboratory for Innovation and Employment
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***** | ESIE | Expert System Inference Engine
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***** | ESIE | Elementary, Secondary, and Informal Education
| |
**** | ESIE | Electron-Stimulated Ion Emission
| |
**** | ESIE | Eastern Seaboard Industrial Estate
| |
*** | ESIE | Egyptian Society of Irrigation Engineers
| |
*** | ESIE | Ecole SupTrieure d'IngTnieur En
| |
*** | ESIE | Egalitarian and Socially Inclusive Europe
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*** | ESIE | Episode-Specific Interpretations of Exercise Inventory
| |
*** | ESIE | Engineering Software Information Exchange
| |
** | ESIE | extended SATKA integrated experiment
| |
* | ESIE | European Social Innovations Exchange
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