Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | ESEP | Economies, Sociétés et Environnements Préhistoriques
| |
***** | ESEP | Engineer and Scientist Exchange Program
| |
***** | ESEP | Elementary Science Education Partners
| |
**** | ESEP | Excepted Service Examining Plan
| |
**** | ESEP | Escola Superior de Enfermagem do Porto
| |
**** | ESEP | Exact Static Exchange (plus) Polarization (potential)
| |
*** | ESEP | Elementary School Environmental Program
| |
*** | ESEP | Environmental Science, Engineering and Policy
| |
*** | ESEP | Engineering and Science Exchange Programs
| |
*** | ESEP | Education Sector Expenditure Program
| |
*** | ESEP | European Scientific Exchange Program
| |
*** | ESEP | Expert Systems Engineering Professional
| |
*** | ESEP | East of Scotland European Partnership
| |
** | ESEP | Evaluation of the Student Experience Project
| |
** | ESEP | East Sussex Economic Partnership
| |
** | ESEP | recorded somatosensory evoked potentials
| |
** | ESEP | Education Sector Enhancement Programme
| |
** | ESEP | Earth Science Education Project
| |
** | ESEP | Environmental Science Education Partnership
| |
** | ESEP | Extreme Somatosensory Evoked Potentials
| |
** | ESEP | Easter Seals Eastern Pennsylvania
| |
** | ESEP | Ecologically Sustainable Enterprise Projects
| |
** | ESEP | Endeavour Student Exchange Program
| |
** | ESEP | Enhanced Service Engineering Plan
| |
** | ESEP | European Science and Engineering Program
| |