Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | ELMI | Enhanced Local Management Interface
| |
***** | ELMI | electron microscopy
| |
**** | ELMI | Economic and Labor Market Information
| |
*** | ELMI | Environmental Law and Management Initiative
| |
*** | ELMI | Executive Leadership and Management Institute
| |
*** | ELMI | Extensive Lifestyle Management Intervention
| |
*** | ELMI | Electro Logic Machines Inc
| |
*** | ELMI | English Language and Multicultural Institute
| |
*** | ELMI | European Light Microscopy Initiative
| |
*** | ELMI | Electric Lamp Manufacturers India
| |
** | ELMI | Emirates Line Metal Industries
| |
** | ELMI | Emerging Local Markets Index
| |
* | ELMI | Electronic Money Institution
| |