Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | EFCN | Étude et Fabrication à Commande Numérique
| |
***** | EFCN | Efficiency of Power Generation for Commercial Use with Nuclear
| |
***** | EFCN | Evangelical Free Church of Naperville
| |
***** | EFCN | Environmental Finance Center Network
| |
***** | EFCN | Engelse Ford Club Nederland
| |
**** | EFCN | Edison First Church of the Nazarene
| |
**** | EFCN | Explicit Forward Congestion Notification
| |
*** | EFCN | European Forum of Cultural Networks
| |
*** | EFCN | European Film Commissions Network
| |
*** | EFCN | Escondido First Church of the Nazarene
| |
*** | EFCN | Elder Friendly Community Network
| |
** | EFCN | Escape from Cubicle Nation
| |
* | EFCN | Edison First Church of the Nazar
| |