Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | DTCA | D Trust Certifikacna Autorita
| |
***** | DTCA | Directorate of Technical Cooperation in Africa
| |
**** | DTCA | Diphtérie, le Tétanos et la Coqueluche Acellulaire
| |
**** | DTCA | Dutch Tax and Customs Administration
| |
**** | DTCA | Dwell-Time Code Acquisition
| |
**** | DTCA | Diabetes Treatment Centers of America
| |
*** | DTCA | Dinky Toy Club of America
| |
*** | DTCA | Defense Technical Cooperation Agreement
| |
*** | DTCA | Defense Technology Corporation of America
| |
** | DTCA | Direct-To-Consumer Advertising
| |
** | DTCA | Direct to Customer Advertising
| |
** | DTCA | Direct to Consumer Adverting
| |
** | DTCA | Defect-Tolerant Computer Architecture
| |
* | DTCA | Deposit Taking Companies Association
| |
* | DTCA | Default Throughput Class Assignment
| |
* | DTCA | difficult to control asthma
| |
* | DTCA | Direct to Consumers Adevertisement
| |
* | DTCA | Downtown Traverse City Association
| |
* | DTCA | Darpan Theatre Cine Arts
| |