Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | DIOS | Desorption-Ionization on Silicon
| |
***** | DIOS | distal intestinal obstruction syndrome
| |
***** | DIOS | Diisooctyl Sebacate
| |
***** | DIOS | Digital Input Output System
| |
**** | DIOS | Durable Inorganic Optical System
| |
**** | DIOS | Direct Iron Ore Smelting
| |
**** | DIOS | Distributed Input/Output System
| |
**** | DIOS | Distales Intestinales Obstruktions Syndrom
| |
*** | DIOS | Distal Intestinal Obstructive Syndrome
| |
** | DIOS | Distribution, Information and Optimizing System
| |
** | DIOS | Dose Intensity as Oncology Standard
| |
** | DIOS | Lesbian Degree of Involvement and Overtness Scale
| |
** | DIOS | Desorption/ionization on porous silicon
| |
** | DIOS | DMA Input/Output System
| |
* | DIOS | District Inspector of Schools
| |
* | DIOS | Distal Ileal Obstruction Syndrome
| |
* | DIOS | Digitale Interesse Orientatie Scorelijst
| |
* | DIOS | Dubbo Infection Outcomes Study
| |