Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | CRIL | Consolidated Repairable Items List
| |
***** | CRIL | Centre de Recherche en Informatique de Lens
| |
**** | CRIL | Cambridge Research and Innovation Ltd.
| |
**** | CRIL | Community Resources for Independent Living
| |
*** | CRIL | Court Reporting Institute of Louisiana
| |
*** | CRIL | Cambridge Research and Innovation Limited
| |
*** | CRIL | Communauté Révolutionnaire Indépendantiste Limousine
| |
*** | CRIL | Credit Rating International Ltd
| |
*** | CRIL | Craniofacial Research Instrumentation Laboratory
| |
*** | CRIL | Criterion Referenced Inventory of Language
| |
*** | CRIL | Credit Ratings International Limited
| |
*** | CRIL | Conseil et Réalisations en Informatique Libre
| |
*** | CRIL | Crop Research Informatics Laboratory
| |
*** | CRIL | Centro Ricerche Imballaggi Legno
| |
*** | CRIL | Colorado Research in Linguistics
| |
*** | CRIL | Circular Regional Interna de Lisboa
| |
** | CRIL | Command Register and Interface Logic
| |
* | CRIL | Color Radar Image for Louisiana
| |
* | CRIL | Cattle Remedies India Limited
| |