• What does CPPT Stand For?

    For CPPT we have found 26 definitions.

  • What does CPPT mean? We know 26 definitions for CPPT abbreviation or acronym in 4 categories. Possible CPPT meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.

CPPT Stands For:

All acronyms (26)Airports & Locations Business & Finance (2)Common Government & Military (5)Medicine & Science (4)Chat & Sub Cultures Education Schools (6)Technology, IT etc.
*****CPPTcentral polypurine tract
***CPPTCoronary Primary Prevention Trial
**CPPTCertified Perimeter Protection Tactician
**CPPTComité pour la Prévention et la Protection au Travail
**CPPTConstant Proportion Portfolio Technique
**CPPTComité Prévention et Protection au Travail
*CPPTCódigo de Procedimento e de Processo Tributário
*CPPTCertified Public Pension Trustee
*CPPTCopyproof Positive Paper Thin Base
*CPPTCut Protection Performance Test
*CPPTCareer Progression Paths Team
*CPPTCenter for Pediatric Pharmacokinetics and Therapeutics
*CPPTCadet Protection Plan Training
*CPPTCareer Program Priority Training
*CPPTCentral Pennsylvania Plant Trader
*CPPTCable Pro Pen Toner
*CPPTCooperative Program Planning and Teaching
*CPPTCollaborative Program Planning and Teaching
*CPPTCadet Protection Program Training
*CPPTCadet Protection Policy Training
*CPPTChiù Pilu Pi Tutti
*CPPTCommittee for Paediatric Physician Training
*CPPTcustomarily prescribed pain therapy
*CPPTCalifornia Pool Players Tour
*CPPTCasson Pappys Place Trie