Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | COATS | CCSM Off-hull Assembly and Test Site
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***** | COATS | Comprehensive Aviation Training System
| |
***** | COATS | Construction Owners Association of the Tri-State
| |
**** | COATS | Canadian Over-the-Counter Automated Trading System
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**** | COATS | Cadet Organizations Administration and Training Service
| |
**** | COATS | California Oregon Advanced Transportation Systems
| |
*** | COATS | Council of Analytical Tribal Studies
| |
*** | COATS | Consolidated Options Audit Trail System
| |
** | COATS | Corporate Orientation and Training System
| |
** | COATS | Crowthorne Old Age to Teen Society
| |
** | COATS | Council on Alberta Teaching Standards
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