What does CNIR Stand For?
For CNIR we have found 18 definitions.
What does CNIR mean? We know 18 definitions for CNIR abbreviation or acronym in 4 categories. Possible CNIR meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.
CNIR Stands For:
Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning | |
***** | CNIR | Carrier-to-Noise plus Interference Ratio | |
***** | CNIR | Carrier to Noise Interference Ratio | |
**** | CNIR | Carrier-to-Noise/Ingress Ratio | |
*** | CNIR | Calling Number Identification Registration | |
*** | CNIR | Calling/Connected Name Identification Restriction | |
** | CNIR | Center for Nuclear Imaging Research | |
** | CNIR | Centre National d'Information Routière | |
** | CNIR | Calling Name Identification Restriction | |
** | CNIR | Calling Number Identification Restricted | |
** | CNIR | Club Nautique d'Ile Rousse | |
** | CNIR | Cadastro Nacional de Imóveis Rurais | |
** | CNIR | Chronic Non-Infectious Rhinitis | |
* | CNIR | Calling Number Identification Restriction IT Terminology | |
* | CNIR | Calling Number ID Restriction | |
* | CNIR | Computer Network and Internet Research | |
* | CNIR | Crossrail Northern Interchange Route | |
* | CNIR | Communication Navigation Identification and Reconnaissance | |
* | CNIR | Clearinghouse for Network Information and Retrieval |