Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | CMAF | Central Museum of Armed Forces
| |
***** | CMAF | Canadian Martial Arts Federation
| |
***** | CMAF | Combat Martial Arts Federation
| |
***** | CMAF | California Medical Association Foundation
| |
***** | CMAF | Commodity Market Adjust Factor
| |
***** | CMAF | Columbus Medical Association Foundation
| |
***** | CMAF | Coolrox Minerals And Fossils
| |
***** | CMAF | Coal Mining Application Forms
| |
**** | CMAF | Canadian Manufacturing Agility Forum
| |
**** | CMAF | Centro de Matematica e Aplicacoes Fundamentais
| |
*** | CMAF | Calcific Mitral Annulus Fibrosus
| |
*** | CMAF | Center of Mathematics and Fundamental
| |
** | CMAF | Cooperatives Mutualities Associations and Foundations
| |
** | CMAF | Centre for Mathematics and Fundamental
| |
* | CMAF | Canadian Medic Alert Foundation
| |