Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | CGOA | Collège des Gynécologues et Obstétriciens d'Alsace
| |
***** | CGOA | Crochet Guild of America
| |
**** | CGOA | Consulate General of Afghanistan
| |
**** | CGOA | Central Gulf of Alaska
| |
**** | CGOA | Crochet Guild of America's
| |
**** | CGOA | Club Grand Ouest Aviation
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**** | CGOA | Czech Go Association
| |
**** | CGOA | Clubs & Gyms in Oxford & Abingdon
| |
**** | CGOA | Coast Guard Officers' Association
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**** | CGOA | Columbia Gorge Orchestra Association
| |
**** | CGOA | Czech Gas and Oil Association
| |
**** | CGOA | Coordenadoria Geral de Operações Aéreas
| |
**** | CGOA | Classic Glastron Owners Association
| |
**** | CGOA | Centraal Georganiseerd Overleg in Ambtenarenzaken
| |
*** | CGOA | Coastal Gulf of Alaska
| |
** | CGOA | Company Grade Officer Association
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