Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | CFAA | Clearing and Forwarding Agents Association
| |
***** | CFAA | Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1984
| |
***** | CFAA | Creative Floral Arrangers of the Americas
| |
**** | CFAA | Council of Filipino American Associations
| |
**** | CFAA | Chinese Finance Association of America
| |
**** | CFAA | Centre de Formation des Apprentis Agricoles
| |
**** | CFAA | College of Fine and Applied Arts
| |
**** | CFAA | Canadian Federation of Apartment Associations
| |
**** | CFAA | Country Financial Accountability Assessment
| |
**** | CFAA | Centre de Formation à l'Appui Aérien
| |
*** | CFAA | Christian Financial Association of America
| |
*** | CFAA | Certified Fine Arts Appraiser
| |
*** | CFAA | Carolina Finance Adjusters Association
| |
*** | CFAA | Commission for Financial and Administrative Affairs
| |
*** | CFAA | Centre de formation d'apprentis agricole
| |
*** | CFAA | Custom Filter Anti Aliasing
| |
*** | CFAA | Cyprus Fulbright Alumni Association
| |
*** | CFAA | Canadian Fire Alarm Association
| |
*** | CFAA | Certificate in Foundations of Accounting and Auditing
| |
** | CFAA | Communities for All Ages
| |
** | CFAA | Cooperative Forest Assistance Act
| |
** | CFAA | Centre de Formation des Architectes d'Aquitaine
| |
** | CFAA | Common Federal Acquisition Architecture
| |
** | CFAA | Centre de Formation d'Apprentis de l'Artisanat
| |
** | CFAA | Coalition Formation Among Autonomous
| |