Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | CDAR | Certificate of Deposit Account Registry
| |
***** | CDAR | Controlled Drug Administration Record
| |
***** | CDAR | canine distal accessory ridge
| |
**** | CDAR | Certificate of Deposit Assessment Rate
| |
**** | CDAR | Collateral Duty Addictions Representative
| |
**** | CDAR | Conditional Drawdown at Risk
| |
*** | CDAR | Classified Document Accountability Register
| |
*** | CDAR | Current Descriptor Address Register
| |
*** | CDAR | Collateral Duty Alcohol Representative
| |
*** | CDAR | California Desert Association of Realtors
| |
*** | CDAR | Current Drug Abuse Reviews
| |
** | CDAR | Center on Drug and Alcohol Research
| |
** | CDAR | Customer Dialed Account Recording
| |
** | CDAR | Center for Drug Abuse Research
| |
* | CDAR | Cytidine Deaminases that Act on RNA
| |
* | CDAR | Cardiac Day Accommodation Room
| |