Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | CBFM | Community-Based Forest Management
| |
**** | CBFM | Colloidal Borescope Flow Meter
| |
**** | CBFM | Characteristic Basis Function Method
| |
*** | CBFM | Commerce Bank of Folsom
| |
*** | CBFM | Community Based Facilities Management
| |
*** | CBFM | Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism
| |
*** | CBFM | International Society for Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism
| |
*** | CBFM | Corporate Banking and Financial Markets
| |
*** | CBFM | Continuous Boundary Flux Method
| |
*** | CBFM | Crested Butte Farmers Market
| |
*** | CBFM | Content-Based Filtering Method
| |
*** | CBFM | Community-Based Flood Mitigation
| |
*** | CBFM | Curso Básico de Formação Militar
| |
*** | CBFM | Community-Based Fisheries Management
| |
** | CBFM | Confederação Brasileira de Futebol de Mesa
| |
** | CBFM | Central Banking & Fund Management
| |
** | CBFM | Cost Benefit Forecasting Model
| |
** | CBFM | Congresso Brasileiro de Física Médica
| |
** | CBFM | Capital Building & Facility Maintenance
| |
** | CBFM | Comisión Brasileña de Filosofía Medieval
| |
** | CBFM | Complete Boson-Fermion Model
| |
** | CBFM | Community Base Forest Management
| |
** | CBFM | Community Based Flood Management
| |
** | CBFM | Certified Baby Massage Facilitator
| |
** | CBFM | Cannon Beach Farmers Market
| |