Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | CBEM | Comic Book Electronic Magazine
| |
**** | CBEM | College of Business Economics and Management
| |
**** | CBEM | Capacity Building for Environmental Management
| |
**** | CBEM | Community-Based Ecotourism Management
| |
**** | CBEM | Classical Boundary Element Method
| |
**** | CBEM | Commercial Bank Examination Manual
| |
*** | CBEM | Computer Business Equipment Manufacturers
| |
*** | CBEM | Community Based Environmental Management
| |
*** | CBEM | Common Baltic Electricity Market
| |
*** | CBEM | Community Based Ecosystem Management
| |
*** | CBEM | Crown Bald Eagle Mine
| |
*** | CBEM | Conservation Biology and Ecosystem Management
| |
*** | CBEM | Chime Bald Eagle Mine
| |
*** | CBEM | Congressional Budget Explorer Module
| |
*** | CBEM | Collocation Boundary Element Method
| |
*** | CBEM | Centrale Bobinage Electrique Martinique
| |
** | CBEM | Community Based Education Model
| |
** | CBEM | Columbia Bald Eagle Mine
| |
** | CBEM | Capacity Building for Environment Management
| |
** | CBEM | Chesapeake Bay Estuary Model
| |
* | CBEM | close brothers equity markets
| |
* | CBEM | Centre for Biomolecular Electron Microscopy
| |
* | CBEM | Cornerstone Baptist Educational Ministries
| |
* | CBEM | Computer Based Essay Marking
| |