Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | BCFA | Belgium Chinese Friendship Association
| |
***** | BCFA | Birth Control Federation of America
| |
**** | BCFA | Business Committee for the Arts
| |
**** | BCFA | Bacterial Cellular Fatty Acids
| |
**** | BCFA | Brunei - China Friendship Association
| |
**** | BCFA | British Columbia Federation of Agriculture
| |
**** | BCFA | BC Festival of the Arts
| |
**** | BCFA | British Columbia Festival of the Arts
| |
*** | BCFA | Barbados-China Friendship Association
| |
*** | BCFA | Bangladesh-China Friendship Association
| |
*** | BCFA | Boston College Finance Academy
| |
*** | BCFA | Brady Card Flimmer Arrhythmia
| |
*** | BCFA | Brookhaven College Faculty Association
| |
*** | BCFA | branched-chain fatty acid
| |
*** | BCFA | Birth Control Federation of American
| |
*** | BCFA | Buwama Coffee Farmers Association
| |
** | BCFA | Bayou City Fencing Academy
| |
** | BCFA | Brazoria County Fair Association
| |
** | BCFA | British Contract Furnishers Association
| |
** | BCFA | Baltimore Council on Foreign Affairs
| |
** | BCFA | British Columbia Fencing Association
| |
** | BCFA | Babylon Central Fire Alarm
| |
** | BCFA | Bristol Casuals Football Association
| |
** | BCFA | British Columbia Falconry Association
| |
** | BCFA | Barstow College Faculty Association
| |