Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | BEPA | Brevet d'Enseignement Professionnel Agricole (French: Certificate of Professional Agricultural Education; vocational degree)
| |
***** | BEPA | Beijing Environmental Protection Administration
| |
***** | BEPA | Bureau of Environmental Planning and Assessment
| |
***** | BEPA | Belize Environmental Protection Act
| |
***** | BEPA | Bureau Européen de Prévoyance et d'Assurance (French: European Retirement and Insurance Office)
| |
**** | BEPA | Bolsa Emprego Público dos Açores
| |
**** | BEPA | Bureau of European Policy Advisers (European Commission)
| |
**** | BEPA | Basic Education Program in Afghanistan
| |
**** | BEPA | Betula Papyrifera (paper birch)
| |
**** | BEPA | business emergency planning alliance
| |
**** | BEPA | Bald Eagle Protection Act of 1940
| |
*** | BEPA | Bio Energy Producers Association
| |
*** | BEPA | Botswana Entertainment Promoters Association
| |
*** | BEPA | Biomass Energy Potential Assessment
| |
*** | BEPA | Business Education Partnership Association
| |
** | BEPA | Basic Environmental Policy Act
| |
** | BEPA | Bike-Commuters of the Environmental Protection Agency
| |
** | BEPA | Bureau of Economic Policy Advisors
| |
** | BEPA | Bureau of European Policy Analysis
| |
** | BEPA | Bureau of European Policy Advisors
| |
** | BEPA | Bureau of Policy Advisers
| |
** | BEPA | British and European Polygraph Association
| |
* | BEPA | Business Education Partnership Advocate
| |
* | BEPA | Bureau for Economic Policy and Analysis (South Africa)
| |
* | BEPA | Basic Environmental Protection Act
| |