Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | ARIM | Army Reserve Installation Management
| |
***** | ARIM | Archives, Records and Information Management
| |
***** | ARIM | Association de la Recherche et de l'Intelligence Marketing
| |
***** | ARIM | Alexander Read Investment Management, Inc.
| |
**** | ARIM | Atmospheric Radiation Investigations and Measurements
| |
**** | ARIM | Accelerator and Reactor Improvement and Modification
| |
**** | ARIM | Alliance for Rights and Independence of Madhesh
| |
*** | ARIM | Antiga República Iugoslava da Macedônia
| |
*** | ARIM | Association de Restauration Immobilière
| |
*** | ARIM | Amatr Radio in Morokulien
| |
*** | ARIM | Agriculture Resources Infrastructure and Management
| |
** | ARIM | Argon Ion Milling
| |
** | ARIM | Automotive Research and Industrial Mentorship
| |
* | ARIM | amateur radio in morokulien
| |