• What does APNA Stand For?

    For APNA we have found 48 definitions.

  • What does APNA mean? We know 48 definitions for APNA abbreviation or acronym in 4 categories. Possible APNA meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.

APNA Stands For:

All acronyms (48)Airports & Locations Business & Finance (1)Common Government & Military (2)Medicine & Science (6)Chat & Sub Cultures Education Schools (26)Technology, IT etc.
*****APNAAmerican Psychiatric Nurses Association's
****APNAAction Plan for Neighbourhood Action
***APNAAssociation of Pediatric Nurse Associates
**APNAAsian Professional Network Association
**APNAAdvanced Practice Nurses Association
**APNAAgNORs Percentage Nuclear Area
Medical Biomedical Bioscience
**APNAAtkins Park Neighborhood Association
**APNA3)H]9-p-azidophenoxy nonanoic acid
**APNAAlliance of Professional Nanny Agency
*APNAAloysians and Partners in North America
*APNAAromatic Peptide Nucleic Acids
*APNAAll Purpose Nonionic Adjuvant
*APNAAlliance of Premier Nanny Agencies
*APNAAthmar Park Neighborhood Association
*APNAAtlantic Provinces Numismatic Association
*APNAAsociación de Padres de niños Autistas
*APNAAssociation of Private News Agencies
*APNAAsian Pacific North American
*APNAArmory Park Neighborhood Association
*APNAAlbion Park Neighbourhood Association
*APNAAmerican Psychiatric Nursing Association
*APNAAlliance of Professional Nanny Agencies
*APNAArkansas Prevention Needs Assessment
*APNAAustralian Professional Nail Association
*APNAAppalachian Practical Nurses Association