Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | AMMC | Army Maintenance Management Course
| |
***** | AMMC | Accredited Meetings Management Company
| |
**** | AMMC | United States Army Aviation Materiel Management Center
| |
**** | AMMC | Animal Manure Management Conference
| |
*** | AMMC | Advanced Manufacturing Mechatronics Centre
| |
*** | AMMC | Abuja Metropolitan Management Council
| |
*** | AMMC | American Metal Moulding Corp
| |
*** | AMMC | American Mining Congress
| |
*** | AMMC | Arkansas Methodist Medical Center
| |
*** | AMMC | Annual Model Making Competition
| |
*** | AMMC | Aviation Materiel Management Center
| |
** | AMMC | Alliance of Meeting Management Consultants
| |
** | AMMC | Association of American Medical Colleges
| |
** | AMMC | Arkansas Methodist Medical Center's
| |
** | AMMC | Applied Machine & Motion Control
| |
** | AMMC | Aeronautics Material Management Center
| |
** | AMMC | Aviation Machinist's Mate, Carburetor Mechanic
| |
** | AMMC | American Moulding and Millwork Company
| |
* | AMMC | Alliance of Meeting Management Companies
| |
* | AMMC | American Medical Missionary College
| |
* | AMMC | American Money Management Corp
| |
* | AMMC | Adjusted Monthly Maintenance Charge
| |
* | AMMC | Ann Myers Medical Center
| |
* | AMMC | Asterisk Mobile Medical Center
| |
* | AMMC | Aleut Marine Mammal Commission
| |