Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | AMII | Angkatan Muda Islam Indonesia
| |
***** | AMII | Associateship of the Malaysian Insurance Institute
| |
***** | AMII | Australian Mining Industry Information
| |
**** | AMII | Association of Medical Insurance Intermediaries
| |
**** | AMII | Associate of the Malaysian Insurance Institute
| |
**** | AMII | Advanced Memory International, Inc.
| |
*** | AMII | Airline Maintenance Inspection Intervals
| |
** | AMII | Associateship of the MII
| |
** | AMII | Agile Manufacturing Information Infrastructure
| |
** | AMII | Arkansas Medicaid Information Interchange
| |
* | AMII | Alaska Medical Informatics Initiative
| |
* | AMII | Agricultural Mechanisation and Irrigation Institute
| |
* | AMII | Arthur Murray International, Inc.
| |
* | AMII | Antich Medical Imaging Inc
| |