Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | AIMSS | Airfreight Industry Minimum Security Standards
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***** | AIMSS | Advanced Integrated Maintenance Support System
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***** | AIMSS | Aku Ingin Menciummu Sekali Saja
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**** | AIMSS | Aboriginal and Islander Medical Support Services
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**** | AIMSS | Advanced Interactive Maintenance Support System
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**** | AIMSS | All India Mahila Samskarika Sanghatana
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**** | AIMSS | American Indian Math and Science Society
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**** | AIMSS | All India Mahila Samskritika Sanghatane
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*** | AIMSS | Association of Independent Mail and Shipping Stores
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*** | AIMSS | Advanced Infantry Marksmanship Strategies and Standards
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*** | AIMSS | Abandoned and Inactive Mines Scoring System
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*** | AIMSS | Australian Institute for Motor Sport Safety
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*** | AIMSS | Assessment Improvement Monitoring and School Support
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*** | AIMSS | Alumni Information Monitoring and Support Services
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** | AIMSS | All India Mahila Sanskritik Sanghthan
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** | AIMSS | Advanced Infantry Marksmanship Strategy and Standards
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** | AIMSS | Amsterdam International Medical Summer School
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** | AIMSS | Annavasai Industrious Members of Social Service
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* | AIMSS | American International Medical Support Services
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* | AIMSS | Automating Ingest of Metadata on Serial Subscriptions
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* | AIMSS | Adolescent Identity, Media, and Sociocognitive Schema
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