Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | AIAP | Association Internationale des Arts Plastiques
| |
***** | AIAP | Army Information Assurance Program
| |
***** | AIAP | And International Association of Plastic
| |
**** | AIAP | Alternative Interface Access Protocol
| |
**** | AIAP | Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals
| |
**** | AIAP | Application Integration Architecture for Partners
| |
*** | AIAP | Association of Independent Architectural Photographers
| |
*** | AIAP | Association of Iranian-American Professionals
| |
*** | AIAP | Associazione Italiana degli Architetti del Paesaggio
| |
*** | AIAP | Aerospace Industries Auxiliary Power
| |
*** | AIAP | Atlanta Imported Auto Parts
| |
*** | AIAP | Arizona Intergenerational Advocacy Partnership
| |
** | AIAP | Asociación Internacional de Artes Plásticas
| |
** | AIAP | Association of Independent Accounting Professionals
| |
* | AIAP | Automatic Incident Actuation Panel
| |
* | AIAP | Associated International Academic Publishing
| |
* | AIAP | Army International Activities Plan
| |
* | AIAP | Arlington International Aviation Products
| |
* | AIAP | Atlas Internet Access Provider
| |
* | AIAP | Art in Architecture Press
| |