Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | AGPC | Asociaci=n Guatemalteca de Prevenci=n y Control
| |
***** | AGPC | American Gurdwara Prabandhak Committee
| |
*** | AGPC | Associació de Geògrafs Professionals de Catalunya
| |
*** | AGPC | anaerobic gram-positive cocci
| |
*** | AGPC | Associazione Giovani Produttori Cinematografici
| |
*** | AGPC | Alpha Gamma Pledge Class
| |
*** | AGPC | Australian Government Productivity Commission
| |
*** | AGPC | Acid Guanidium Phenol Chloroform
| |
*** | AGPC | Acid Guanidinium Phenol Chloroform
| |
*** | AGPC | acid guanidinium thiocyanate phenol-chloroform
| |
*** | AGPC | acid guanidinum thiocyanate-phenol-chloroform
| |
*** | AGPC | Amazing Grace Presbyterian Church
| |
** | AGPC | Academy for the General Practice of Chiropractic
| |
** | AGPC | Alpha Glycerol Phosphoryl Choline
| |
** | AGPC | American Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee
| |
** | AGPC | Association of Game and Puzzle Collectors
| |
* | AGPC | American Gurdwara Parbhandhak Committee
| |
* | AGPC | Australian Grand Prix Corporation
| |
* | AGPC | 1-acid glycoprotein from controls
| |
* | AGPC | AG Genome Pharmaceuticals Corporation
| |
* | AGPC | Autism Genome Project Consortium
| |
* | AGPC | US Army Adjutant General Publications Center
| |
* | AGPC | AGP and CO., INC
| |
* | AGPC | Agriculture Preservation Credit
| |
* | AGPC | Agricultural Genomics and Proteomics Centre
| |