Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | AFTE | Annualized Full-Time Equivalent
| |
**** | AFTE | Air Force Test and Evaluation
| |
**** | AFTE | Association of Firearm and Toolmarks Examiners
| |
**** | AFTE | A Foundation for Theological Education
| |
**** | AFTE | Arab Federation for Technical Education
| |
**** | AFTE | All For The Earth
| |
**** | AFTE | Autogenic Feedback Training Experiment
| |
**** | AFTE | Affairs and Trade Employees
| |
**** | AFTE | Association for Freedom of Thought and Expression
| |
*** | AFTE | Auditor Fiscal do Tesouro Estadual
| |
*** | AFTE | Artists for the Environment
| |
*** | AFTE | Action for Tomorrow's Environment
| |
*** | AFTE | Association for the Education
| |
** | AFTE | American Federation of Technical Engineers
| |
** | AFTE | Association Française des Trésoriers d'Entreprise
| |
* | AFTE | Association of Forearm and Toolmark Examiners
| |
* | AFTE | Autogenic Feedback Training Exercise
| |