Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | AFRT | Abort, Fail, Retry, Terminate
| |
***** | AFRT | Association Française pour la Recherche Thérapeutique
| |
***** | AFRT | As Fate Runs Through
| |
***** | AFRT | armed forces rally team
| |
***** | AFRT | Association des Femmes Réfugiées Touarègues
| |
***** | AFRT | Archivio Fotografico della Regione Toscana
| |
***** | AFRT | Association Française pour la Recherche sur la Trisomie 21
| |
**** | AFRT | Academic Freedom, Responsibility and Tenure
| |
**** | AFRT | Artifact-Free Recording Time
| |
**** | AFRT | American Financial Realty Trust
| |
**** | AFRT | Association Franco-Roumaine de Toulouse
| |
**** | AFRT | Agricultural and Forest Resources Technology
| |
*** | AFRT | Anthropology Facial Reconstruction Training
| |
*** | AFRT | Antioxidant/Free Radical Test
| |
*** | AFRT | Approximate Fast Radon Transform
| |
*** | AFRT | Accelerated Fractionation Radiation Therapy
| |
*** | AFRT | Armed Forces Relief Trust
| |
*** | AFRT | American Forces Radio & Television
| |
*** | AFRT | Armed Forces Radio Television
| |
** | AFRT | Asymptotically Flat Robinson-Trautman
| |
** | AFRT | Auto Flow Rate Timer
| |
* | AFRT | Association for Future Radiologic Technologists
| |
* | AFRT | American Federal Reserve Token
| |