Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning |
***** | AAFD | Affirmative Action Faculty Development
| |
*** | AAFD | Army Air Field
| |
*** | AAFD | Association of Australian-Owned Funeral Directors
| |
*** | AAFD | Asociación Argentina de Filosofía del Derecho
| |
*** | AAFD | American Association of Furniture Designers
| |
*** | AAFD | American Association of Franchisees & Dealers
| |
*** | AAFD | Association of Furniture Designers
| |
*** | AAFD | Association d’Aide à la Femme en Difficulté
| |
*** | AAFD | African-Americans For Dean
| |
** | AAFD | Action Aide aux Familles Démunies
| |
** | AAFD | Annual Activity Fun Day
| |
** | AAFD | Agriculture and Agri Food
| |
** | AAFD | Adoption Agency For Dragons
| |
** | AAFD | Association of Franchise Dealers
| |
** | AAFD | American Association of Forensic Dentists
| |
** | AAFD | Associate of Arts in Fashion Design
| |
** | AAFD | Atelier Annuel sur la Formation Documentaire
| |
** | AAFD | Anglo American Film Distributors
| |
** | AAFD | African Americans for Democracy
| |
** | AAFD | Ann Arbor Fire Department
| |
** | AAFD | Airport Authority Fire Department
| |
* | AAFD | Allied Arts Fund Drive, Inc.
| |
* | AAFD | Automatische Analyse Fraktaler Daten
| |
* | AAFD | All American Fuel Dragsters
| |
* | AAFD | Adult Acquired Flatfoot
| |