What does %2AT%2A Stand For in Technology, IT etc. ?
For *T* we have found 500 definitions.
What does %2AT%2A mean? We know 500 definitions for %2AT%2A abbreviation or acronym in 8 categories. Possible %2AT%2A meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.
%2AT%2A Stands For:
Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning | |
***** | T | AT&T (stock exchange symbol) | |
**** | T | Transformation | |
**** | T | Tip Telecom | |
*** | T | Track Ordnance Survey | |
** | T | Trap | |
** | T | Target | |
** | T | Transport | |
* | PROC T | Procedure Turn | |
* | T | With mark approval by Dentori or Japan Electrical Testing Laboratory (JET) | |
* | T | Turn | |
* | T | Transaction | |
* | T | Trunk | |
* | T | Thermal | |
* | T | Trail Termination | |
* | T | Transport Layer Service | |
* | T | Transpose | |
* | T | Thrust | |
* | T | Transparent | |
* | T | Transmission Element | |
* | T | T reference point | |
* | T | Trunk level |