What does SSND Stand For?
For SSND we have found 10 definitions.
What does SSND mean? We know 10 definitions for SSND abbreviation or acronym in 3 categories. Possible SSND meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.
SSND Stands For:
Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning | |
***** | SSND | School Sisters of Notre Dame Religious orders Religion | |
**** | SSND | Sióstr Szkolnych de Notre Dame | |
**** | SSND | Same Shit, New Day | |
**** | SSND | School Sisters Notre Dame | |
**** | SSND | Student Society for News Design | |
**** | SSND | Splanchnic Sympathetic Nerve Discharge | |
*** | SSND | School Sister of Notre Dame | |
*** | SSND | Sorores Scholarum Nostrae Dominae | |
*** | SSND | Social Survey of the Networks of the Dutch | |
** | SSND | Shan State Nationalities for democracy |