What does MCBM Stand For?
For MCBM we have found 12 definitions.
What does MCBM mean? We know 12 definitions for MCBM abbreviation or acronym in 3 categories. Possible MCBM meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.
MCBM Stands For:
Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning | |
***** | MCBM | Municipal Corporation of Brihan Mumbai | |
***** | MCBM | Moto Club de la Baie de Morlaix | |
**** | MCBM | Master's Certificate in Business Management | |
**** | MCBM | Muscle Capillary Basement Membrane Muscles | |
*** | MCBM | Military Confidence Building Measures | |
** | MCBM | Maximum Common Binding Modes | |
** | MCBM | Magnetostatically Controlled Bianisotropic Material | |
** | MCBM | Mesangial Cell Basal Medium | |
** | MCBM | Money Can't Buy Music | |
** | MCBM | Maritime Classic Boat Museum | |
* | MCBM | Molecular Cellular Basis of Medicine | |
* | MCBM | Marriage Can Be Murder |