• What does LS Stand For?

    For ls we have found 500 definitions.

  • What does LS mean? We know 500 definitions for LS abbreviation or acronym in 8 categories. Possible LS meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.

LS Stands For:

All acronyms (1100)Airports & Locations (4)Business & Finance (13)Common (9)Government & Military (31)Medicine & Science (83)Chat & Sub Cultures (27)Education Schools (22)Technology, IT etc. (40)
*****BA IN LSBachelor of Arts in Library Science
*****MA IN LSMaster of Arts in Library Science
****LSLong Snapper
Sport Football
Country 2-letter Country Codes Lesotho Usps
****LSLinux Software
Iata Aircraft Codes Airline
***LS SPINELumboSacral Spine
***BS LSBachelor of Science in Library Science
***LSLeave Without Pay - Employee Sick
**LSLip Service
**LSLevel Shifter
**LSLiquid Scintillation
Texting game
*LSLow Speed
Architectural Architecture Construction
*DREAM LSDistributed Routing Effect Algorithm for Mobility Location Service
Legal Unix Unix commands
Unix Unix commands
*LSLatvian lats
Common Medical Legal Cancer / Oncological NAACCR
*LSLanding Site
NASA Aerospace engineering Astronautics Space Spaceflight
*LSLumpsum Freight
Aviation Shipping Chartering
*LSLink Status