• What does SIPA Stand For?

    For Sipa we have found 42 definitions.

  • What does SIPA mean? We know 42 definitions for SIPA abbreviation or acronym in 5 categories. Possible SIPA meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.

SIPA Stands For:

All acronyms (42)Airports & Locations (2)Business & Finance (2)Common (1)Government & Military Medicine & Science (3)Chat & Sub Cultures Education Schools (8)Technology, IT etc.
*****SIPASecurities Investment Protection Act
Business Word
***SIPASecurities Investor Protection Act
***SIPASchool for International and Public Affairs
***SIPAStress-Induced Preferential Absorption
***SIPAselective internal pudendal pharmaco-angiography
***SIPASpecialized Information Publishers Association (formerly Newsletter & Electronic Publishers Association)
**SIPASouthwest Iowa Pharmacists Association
**SIPASh ear-induced platelet aggregation
**SIPAshear induced platelet aggregation
*SIPASouthern Interscholastic Press Association
*SIPASchool of International Affairs and Public Administration (Columbia University)
*SIPAstress induced platelet aggregation
*SIPAState Investigation and Protection Agency
*SIPASociety for the Investigation of the Paranormal
*SIPAStructural Insulated Panel Association
Professional organizations
*SIPASingle Intensity Profile Analysis
*SIPASoftware Industry Promotion Agency
*SIPASwaziland Investment Promotion Authority
*SIPASoftware Industry Promotion Association
*SIPASouthern Illinois Pagan Alliance
*SIPASchool Improvement Program Assistant
*SIPASwaziland Investment Promotion Agency
*SIPAStructured Insulated Panel Association
*SIPAState of the Indigenous Peoples Address
*SIPAShanghai Intellectual Property Administration