• What does RFTS Stand For?

    For RFTS we have found 31 definitions.

  • What does RFTS mean? We know 31 definitions for RFTS abbreviation or acronym in 5 categories. Possible RFTS meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.

RFTS Stands For:

All acronyms (31)Airports & Locations Business & Finance Common Government & Military (5)Medicine & Science (2)Chat & Sub Cultures (2)Education Schools (1)Technology, IT etc. (3)
*****RFTSradio frequency transmission system
***RFTSRepeat Formation Tester Sample
**RFTSRefresher Flying Training School
Air Force Aviation Armed forces Royal military
**RFTSRemote Fibre Test System
*RFTSReliable File Transfer System
*RFTSRegular Franciscan Tertiary Sisters
Religious orders
*RFTSReach for the Stars
*RFTSRemote Fiber Test System
*RFTSRadio Frequency Test Set
*RFTSRadio Frequency Test Station
*RFTSRemote File Transfer System
*RFTSRenewable Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis
*RFTSRight from the Start
*RFTSRemote File Transfer Service
*RFTSReview of Film and Television Studies
*RFTSReason for the Season
*RFTSRequest for Test Services
*RFTSRadio Frequency and Telemetry Station
*RFTSReserve Flying Training School
*RFTSReasoning from the Scriptures
*RFTSRemote Fiber Test Set
*RFTSReading First Through Science
*RFTSRequest For Technical Support
*RFTSReading from the Silence
*RFTSreplication factory targeting sequence