What does MRRA Stand For?
For MRRA we have found 30 definitions.
What does MRRA mean? We know 30 definitions for MRRA abbreviation or acronym in 4 categories. Possible MRRA meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.
MRRA Stands For:
Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning | |
***** | MRRA (CFSAN) | Microbial Research and Risk Assessment Staff (CFSAN) Fda | |
***** | MRRA | Mechanically Reconfigurable Reflector Antenna | |
**** | MRRA | Migration and Refugee Assistance Act of 1962 | |
**** | MRRA | Management Reserve Right of Admission | |
**** | MRRA | Military Retirement Reform Act | |
*** | MRRA | Microbial Research and Risk Assessment Staff Fda | |
*** | MRRA | Magnetic Resonance Radiologists Association | |
*** | MRRA | Malden Rushett Residents Association | |
*** | MRRA | Moose River Recreation Area | |
*** | MRRA | Minnesota Road Race Academy | |
*** | MRRA | Merrimac River Rowing Association | |
** | MRRA | Municipal Rehabilitation and Recovery Act | |
** | MRRA | Markham Regional Ringette Association | |
** | MRRA | Magnetic Resonance Research Accessories | |
** | MRRA | Military Retirement Reduction Act | |
** | MRRA | Maylands Ratepayers and Residents Association | |
** | MRRA | Maclear Ratepayers' and Residents' Association | |
* | MRRA | Meramec River Recreation Association | |
* | MRRA | Minnesota Resource Recovery Association | |
* | MRRA | McClellan Rangers Reenactment Association | |
* | MRRA | Medical Record Release Authorization | |
* | MRRA | Milton Rural Residents Association | |
* | MRRA | Midcoast Regional Redevelopment Authority | |
* | MRRA | Maine Resource Recovery Association | |
* | MRRA | Ministry of Refugees and Repatriation Affairs |