What does AESL Stand For?
For AESL we have found 19 definitions.
What does AESL mean? We know 19 definitions for AESL abbreviation or acronym in 4 categories. Possible AESL meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully.
AESL Stands For:
Rank | Abbreviation | Meaning | |
***** | AESL | Adult English as a Second Language | |
**** | AESL | Aero Engine Services Ltd. | |
**** | AESL | Advanced Engineering Solutions Ltd | |
**** | AESL | Associated Engineering Services Ltd. | |
**** | AESL | Assistant Explorer Scout Leader | |
*** | AESL | Allied Engineering & Services Ltd | |
*** | AESL | Associated Engineering Services Limited | |
*** | AESL | American English Spoken Lexicon | |
*** | AESL | AEShareNet Ltd. Australia | |
*** | AESL | Academic English as a Second Language | |
*** | AESL | Allied Engineering and Services Limited | |
** | AESL | Awards for the Enhancement of Student Learning | |
** | AESL | and Environmental Services Laboratories | |
** | AESL | Allied East Saint Louis | |
** | AESL | Architectural Engineering Services Limited | |
** | AESL | American English as a Second Language | |
* | AESL | Aquatic Ecology Staff List | |
* | AESL | Agricultural and Environmental Services Laboratories | |
* | AESL | Aakash Educational Services Ltd |